The Secret of Manifestation

The Secret of Manifestation

If you’re like me and you’re interested in the holistic arena and read a lot on this topic, you will no doubt see many workshops, courses and other sorts of programmes that address the idea of manifestation. (I send a few myself as you may have seen and read). Often those ads will relate to abundance and money or sometimes relationships and love and other popular areas that many people are keen to address in their lives.

I have a golden rule when I look at things of this nature… and that’s if those programmes are not addressing the root cause of the problem, then they’re probably not worth my time to read any more and they’re unlikely to be worth any kind of financial investment on my part.

Now, don’t get me wrong. All of these programmes are going to offer ideas that can help you to raise your energy, your  vibration and feel better about yourself, and that will probably mean that you attract new and better things into your life…for a while at least.

I recently read an email which had the headline “What if I told you that receiving more financial abundance was as easy as relaxing? ” Sounds pretty good, and it’s definitely true, however it’s only a small part of the truth.

the secret of manifestationThe same email then went on to talk about “.. embracing a state of relaxation instead of stress about our finances is actually the secret to receiving abundance.”  Absolutely true again, though again a small part of truth.

There is of course a natural process that happens when you relax. The alpha and theta brainwave states that you can reach during relaxation are very helpful on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic level and it does help your energy field to relax and open up. It’s very helpful for you to release stress, fears and worries when you do and it MAY well help you to attract more fruitful and fun opportunities into your life (if you do it regularly).

However … unfortunately “It’s NOT  the true secret of receiving! and it doesn’t follow that “The Universe can then answer your request for financial prosperity and abundance.”  … if only, huh?

A lot of these type of programmes DO offer very useful and valuable tips to aid the flow of manifestation into you life, such as


Gratitude is great. There is little debate about that, and when you can genuinely feel, think and experience it, then it is hugely helpful to raise your frequency and potentially pave the way for flow to come to you more easily. The simplicity of appreciating what you already have, helps what you have to appreciate. That last sentence is a bit counter-intuitive in this 21st century society of wants and desires, however it’s the bit that is most important. Essentially gratitude is based upon accepting (a key word) and appreciating what you already have.

Being Present

Is energetically important to be able to manifest well. Rather than thinking wistfully about the future, or complaining about the past, you are present and correct in the here and now. Energetically, that’s what all of the great philosophies and original religious concepts tell us to be – here in the now. And it does work, especially for one of the other manifestation tips…namely

Visualization (or Imagination) 

When you consistently create an imagination (visually, kinaesthetically or however your inner senses work for you) then you are essentially programming your subconscious mind. The subconscious accepts both reality and imagined reality as fact, so you can use your imagination (or visualise if you prefer) the manifestation you’d like to bring into being in your life.

I could go on with a list of tips and techniques that are very helpful to the manifestation process, for all of these things work and are helpful…. but I’d be drifting away from the point of this email which is the Secret of Manifestation.

And that of course is the subconscious mind itself. If the subconscious is holding a pattern that says NO to manifestation, then you can do all the YES, positive things you like…the manifestation is either unlikely to happen or it will be short-lived.

To illustrate the point, I knew a fellow once who had extremely low self-confidence. If you asked him what was good about his life, or what things he was good at, then he wouldn’t be able to come up with anything. The reality was there were a number of things that he was really good at; he ran his own business and had pulled it out of a sticky swamp when he inherited it from a family member, he was smart and nice, he was good company etc etc BUT you could tell him any or all of these things and his eyes would glaze over and he wouldn’t hear you…because deeper down in the subconscious he didn’t think he was good enough. And it’s the same with manifestation, you can do all of the yes work you like to attract, BUT if there’s a programme that’s saying something to the contrary in the subconscious, then things don’t flow too well.

The Secret of Manifestation is simple – it is to clear out the relevant blocks in the subconscious and allow things to flow. Whether you choose to call this the subconscious, the Soul or your energy field it is essentially the same thing. No one else can do that for you, whoever they are. Your Soul; Your Work. Sometimes you have to find out what the event in question is in our Soul history and dismantle the story, and sometimes you can tackle it at an energetic level, like changing a belief or similar. Both work.

Your Soul is well aware of what’s sitting in your subconscious and it doesn’t want your life to be a pain in the backside; however it does want you to get off that same backside and do something to help your life flow and learn a few Soul lessons along the way. That’s the true Secret of Manifestation – authentic engagement with the Soul. THEN, keep on doing all the other stuff, like the visualisation and the gratitude, and its impact is likely to be that bit more profound.

That’s what I help people do with a lot of the regression/hypnosis work that I do, and that’s part of what I do in my upcoming workshops “Transform Your Relationship with Money” and online course “Manifestation Through the Chakras”. Getting into the depths of you and making changes where they’re needed. If that’s ringing any bells for you, there’a a couple of spaces left on the former and the latter starts again on the 23rd April.

Stay in the flow!!

The Secret of Manifestation